Basic setup

First we need to prepare our environment.

You will need:

  • A terminal program (Powershell, xterm, etc…) and a directory (sls_workshop).
  • Installed python3.6 or newer, nodejs with npm.
  • AWS IAM user name (PyconCZ 2019 will receive this before the workshop)

This tutorial will make the best effort to support powershell on windows and any terminal with bash on Linux/Mac. If you are using git bash on windows you should be able to follow steps for Linux/Mac

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Create a project directory: mkdir sls_workshop
  3. Change your current working directory to one we just created: cd sls_workshop
  4. Create a virtual environment python -m venv slsenv
  5. Activate virtual environment
    • Linux/Mac: . slsenv/bin/activate
    • Windows: . .\slsenv\Scripts\activate.ps1
  6. Install following tools with pip: pip install cookiecutter awscli
  7. Use cookiecutter to get server less app template cookiecutter
  8. Enter your AWS IAM user name and press enter.

Cookie cutter will create a new directory with our serverless app.

├── example-data
│   ├── apigw-block_action.json
│   ├── block_action.json
│   ├── cwe-cron.json
│   ├── cwe-questions.json
│   ├── cwe-report.json
│   ├── dialog_submission.json
│   ├── sample_dialog.json
│   └── verification.json
├── requirements.txt
├── serverless.yml
└── standup_bot
  • serverless.yml - configuration file for serverless.js framework, which describes our deployment
  • example-data/ - directory contains examples of data structures we deal with - good reference once you are comfortable with theory behind it.
  • standup_bot - python module representing our application
  • standup_bot/ - Flask application processing responses from Slack deployed as slack-responses AWS Lambda function
  • standup_bot/ - contains some configuration used by both lambda functions
  • standup_bot/ - contains our database models
  • standup_bot/ - contains slack message blocks and templates (JSON objects)
  • standup_bot/ - contains logic for scheduled events to send menu or report

Now you are ready to start building the Serverless Slack bot.

Your next step is to set up a Slack