Slack setup

We will be using Slack web client via your favorite web browser.

  1. Join our Slack workspace slspyconcz2019 or invite yourself
  2. Create a channel iam_username-team
  3. Make a note with your CHANNEL_ID from your channel’s url<CHANNEL_ID>/

Slack app

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create New App
  3. Fill in appName (to keep it simple: iam_username-bot and select workspace slspyconcz2019 workspace
  4. Click Features:Bot Users -> Add a Bot User, keep default values -> click green Add a Bot User
  5. Go to oAuth & Permissions -> Install app to Workspace -> Authorize (this generates Bot Token)

Keep the Bot Token handy as you will need it later.

Now basic slack setup is finished, continue to set up the serverless framework