Basic setup =========== First we need to prepare our environment. You will need: * A terminal program (Powershell, xterm, etc...) and a directory (``sls_workshop``). * Installed `python3.6`_ or newer, nodejs_ with npm_. * AWS IAM user name (PyconCZ 2019 will receive this before the workshop) This tutorial will make the best effort to support ``powershell`` on windows and any ``terminal`` with ``bash`` on Linux/Mac. If you are using ``git bash`` on windows you should be able to follow steps for Linux/Mac #. Open your terminal #. Create a project directory: ``mkdir sls_workshop`` #. Change your current working directory to one we just created: ``cd sls_workshop`` #. Create a virtual environment ``python -m venv slsenv`` #. Activate virtual environment * Linux/Mac: ``. slsenv/bin/activate`` * Windows: ``. .\slsenv\Scripts\activate.ps1`` #. Install following tools with ``pip``: ``pip install cookiecutter awscli`` #. Use cookiecutter to get server less app template ``cookiecutter`` #. Enter your AWS IAM user name and press enter. Cookie cutter will create a new directory with our serverless app. .. code-block:: text sls_app/ ├── example-data │   ├── apigw-block_action.json │   ├── block_action.json │   ├── cwe-cron.json │   ├── cwe-questions.json │   ├── cwe-report.json │   ├── dialog_submission.json │   ├── sample_dialog.json │   └── verification.json ├── requirements.txt ├── serverless.yml └── standup_bot ├── ├── ├── ├── ├── └── * ``serverless.yml`` - configuration file for serverless.js framework, which describes our deployment * ``example-data/`` - directory contains examples of data structures we deal with - good reference once you are comfortable with theory behind it. * ``standup_bot`` - python module representing our application * ``standup_bot/`` - Flask application processing responses from Slack deployed as ``slack-responses`` AWS Lambda function * ``standup_bot/`` - contains some configuration used by both lambda functions * ``standup_bot/`` - contains our database models * ``standup_bot/`` - contains slack message `blocks`_ and templates (JSON objects) * ``standup_bot/`` - contains logic for scheduled events to send menu or report Now you are ready to start building the Serverless Slack bot. Your next step is to set up a :ref:`Slack ` .. _nodejs: .. _npm: .. _python3.6: .. _blocks: