Slack messages ============== Before we start coding let's find out how Slack is composing the message. You can always refer to `official documentation`_. We are only going to cover parts we will use through out the guide, plase refer to `full message documentation`_ if needed. Slack message is a simple JSON object. .. code-block:: json { "text": "A message text", "blocks": [], "mrkdwn": true } .. csv-table:: :file: ../_files/table.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable We are going to use a new Slack feature `blocks`_ to compose our messages. Our main block components will be `Section Block`_ which is similar to the message. And `Action blocks`_ is used for interactive components like buttons and menus. Most important block attributes to understand are: ``type``, ``block_id``, ``fields`` and ``elements``. Please go to the documentation and try it out using a `block-kit-builder`_. .. Once you are comfortable about layout blocks go ahead to the next section: :ref:`Sending daily menu lambda function ` There are other Slack objects we are going to deal with .. _official documentation: .. _full message documentation: .. _block-kit-builder: .. _blocks: .. _Action blocks: .. _Section Block: