Serverless.js ============= If you did not install before then install `serverless.js`_ framework: ``npm install -g serverless`` You should have finished basic :ref:`slack setup ` and have your AWS credentials. #. In your terminal go to the ``sls_app`` directory you created before: ``cd sls_app``. #. Install python requirements plugin: ``sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements`` #. Install AWS pseudo parameters plugin ``sls plugin install -n serverless-pseudo-parameters`` #. Set environment variables in your terminal (in case you do not know how, check :ref:`How to set environment variables ` section: .. code-block:: text AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1 SLACK_TOKEN= SLACK_CHANNEL="" serverless.yml -------------- We are going to briefly describe ``serverless.yml`` file, please visit `official page with full description`_. Most common feature used in our ``serverless.yml`` is dynamic variable replacement (reference). Example syntax of variables: .. code-block:: yaml yamlKeyXYZ: ${variableSource} # this is an example of providing a default value as the second parameter otherYamlKey: ${variableSource, defaultValue} There are many variable sources, please see `the official documentation for more details`_. This file describes our environment (cloud provider), :ref:`runtime, functions `, plugins, other cloud resources and the final package. .. literalinclude:: ../../../sls_app/serverless.yml :caption: serverless.yml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 1,3,11 :end-at: - "arn:aws:iam::#{AWS::AccountId}:policy/${self:service}-serverless-workshop-policy" * `service`_ - Provides a namespace for our project * provider_ - Is the environment where are we going to deploy our application (in our case it's AWS). Some attributes can be set at different scopes ``service``, ``provider``, ``function``. Everything we set within ``provider`` scope is common for all ``functions``. * ``provider.iamManagedPolicies`` - `IAM service role`_ with permissions our functions require to run. Note: if you are using this lab on your own account, you will need to define your own :ref:`role similar to this one ` .. literalinclude:: ../../../sls_app/serverless.yml :caption: serverless.yml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 1 :start-at: package: :end-at: - tests/** * ``package`` - final ``zip`` file uploaded to S3 and deployed to AWS Lambda .. literalinclude:: ../../../sls_app/serverless.yml :caption: serverless.yml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 1,3,4,10, 11 :start-at: functions: :end-at: inputTemplate: '{"source": ,"time": ,"type": "send_report"}' * ``functions`` - Properties and settings for AWS Lambda functions. * ``functions..handler`` - Path to python module containing :ref:`lambda_handler function ` * ```` - AWS Lambda function triggers .. literalinclude:: ../../../sls_app/serverless.yml :caption: serverless.yml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 1 :start-at: plugins: :end-at: - serverless-wsgi * ``plugins`` - Serverless.js plugins (some are installed automatically, others must be installed with ``sls plugin install -n `` .. literalinclude:: ../../../sls_app/serverless.yml :caption: serverless.yml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 1 :start-at: custom: :end-at: - "**/*.dist-info*" * ``custom`` - Custom variables, which can be referenced as ``${self:custom.}`` .. literalinclude:: ../../../sls_app/serverless.yml :caption: serverless.yml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 1 :start-at: resources: * ``resources`` - definition of additional AWS CloudFormation resources (`serverless.js docs`_, `aws CloudFormation docs`_) .. _serverless.js: .. _official page with full description: .. _service: .. _provider: .. _the official documentation for more details: .. _IAM service role: .. _serverless.js docs: .. _aws CloudFormation docs: